Gazette October 2021

Hi Subscriber,

We’re really pleased to be starting our activities after nearly two years of silence.

Our first monthly event is next Wednesday 20th October at 9pm in Casa Giacobbe (Sala Conferenze) Via IV Giugno 80 – Magenta when we will be entertaining you with games and activities to catch up with our faithful friends and fans and introduce ourselves to new members. All in English of course!

Everyone is welcome to this first meeting, even with a basic knowledge of English and there’s no age limit! So why not come and try?

But… due to COVID regulations the number of people in public places is limited. So if you want to book a place you can reply to this mail or send a Whatsapp to Helen on 3482613328 to confirm.

And don’t forget your Green Pass.

So remember to join us WEDNESDAY 20TH OCTOBER 9pm in the Sala Conferenze (Casa Giacobbe) Via IV Giugno 80 – Magenta.

Bye for now…


——- We deliver  our Gazette to keep you updated about the Club activities! Follow us on Facebook and visit our web site for more information.